The Scurf Rim in the Aura

As a longtime aura viewer, I noticed this pattern

Rosemary (Tantra) Bensko
5 min readDec 12, 2020
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Protective Layer Around the Self

As an aura viewer, I discovered something which I call the “scurf rim.” I’m using the descriptive term that has become somewhat popular due to the pseudo-science of iridology. Though iridology has been thoroughly debunked, I find the terminology useful to steal for this purpose. A scurf rim is the cloudy whitish circle around the edge of the iris said to form in people who are not releasing toxins through their skin properly. I noticed a similar film within many people’s auras that forms a protection against them being seen for who they are or what they’re currently feeling. They aren’t letting their own feelings out, and they aren’t letting other people’s feelings in.

People who are distrustful at that moment that I’m viewing the aura seem to create a barrier around their auras. Their distrust happens on a subconscious level even when I haven’t told them I’m viewing it. At least that’s how I interpret what I see.

Their protection doesn’t pervade the aura like other forms of cloudiness such as that seen in people taking strong drugs, prescription or otherwise. It is a thin smokey ring outlining the oval shape of the aura a few feet from the body. Those people whom I have noticed are perpetually distrustful have this most of the time. The majority of people don’t have it, however.

A Few Examples of Auric Scurf Rim

When I was scanning and sending healing energies to one man as per his request, he developed a scurf rim because my techniques didn’t fit in with his religious beliefs. He had expressed distrust years ago when I offered to send him some healing energy; he said the devil works in mysterious ways through people with good intentions. I had not offered him energy work since, until that day. He showed no outward signs of being leery, no expressions or verbal indications at all. He seemed at least consciously willing to be helped. However, the cloudy ring covered his aura like a protective shield.

Surprisingly, I apparently took on his scurf rim. When my aura-viewing friend was looking at me the next day, she saw a scurf rim around me, and when she showed me the obscure color, it was the same as his had been. When she described the width and texture and placement and shape, it was also the same as his had been. I was not feeling distrustful while she was viewing me.

But when doing any energy work, it’s easy to pick up the colors and textures of the people we are working on, is a form of contagion. I was startled that even a scurf rim would transfer, but it apparently did. I was able to remove it easily, as my friend watched it leave. Note that I never told her what I was doing before I did it, so I didn’t affect what she saw.

Another person whose aura took on a scurf rim was a woman who had reason to feel threatened by me because of the affection between myself and her husband. As soon as she saw me, her aura tightened remarkably, and a scurf rim formed. I telepathically sent her rosy love, apologies and reassurances, but they didn’t get through the scurf rim. She was protecting herself from me as well as feeling protective of her husband. Her aura continued to contract and darken, but she showed absolutely no sign in her expression or words or body language at all of what she was feeling. However, it was clear what was going on.

While I wished I could have removed the scurf rim so I could get my message of peacemaking through, it was her prerogative to keep that boundary up. It wasn’t just me who saw the protection but another aura-viewer as well.

I noticed a scurf rim in my own aura one time when I was meditating. I continually reminded myself to stay lucid, allowing free flow between the levels of my aura. My mental body had developed a scurf rim of unanswered questions about being manipulated by other people. I cleaned the scurf rim, removing it like anything else in the aura that shouldn’t be there.

Issues with the Barrier

In a way, the scurf rim is something like that formed in the iris as they both involve holding in the substance of the aura tight against the body rather than letting it express and move out of the aura and exchange with everything around it. The boundary becomes clogged and heavy and wouldn’t feel very good.

It doesn’t let the toxins out to let the aura exhale. And it doesn’t let it inhale either. It effectively cuts off authentically intimate interactions with other people.

However, I suspect the scurf rim is actually beneficial at times. When I saw the barriers develop, I wished the people didn’t form them. Since it may cut down on the flow of energy between people, that may be handy for true autonomy around someone worthy of distrust.

It can probably feel like armor, and some people need that. We tend to draw our limbs closer to the body and tighten the muscles if we feel threatened and it makes us feel safer while giving off signals of being unapproachable.

Auras Are Complex and Intriguing

Scurf rims in the aura will naturally happen. It’s not something to worry about. But I find anything fascinating that I notice through aura-viewing, as it always gives me more understanding of the nature of what it means to be a creature.

Because I always checked in with another aura-viewer to make sure what I was seeing was accurate, with experiments in which I don’t tell the other viewer anything about what’s going on, I’ve had this visual affect validated. It’s my interpretation about what it means, however, as that would be hard to prove in this case.

If you want to learn how to see auras, the best way to practice is with your own aura. If you see a color pervading your visual field from time to time that’s consistently exactly the same, as long as you have no physical issues causing that, you may be seeing your aura. So next time you see it, see if you can train yourself to stay in the subtle state of mind; this is similar to training yourself to hold onto the nuance state of consciousness to remain in lucid dreams rather than waking up or losing awareness that you’re dreaming.



Rosemary (Tantra) Bensko

Gold-medal-winning psychological suspense novelist, writing Instructor, manuscript editor living in Berkeley.